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cEngineLib Class Reference

This file is part of the AI library cEngineLib Copyright (C) 2013 krinn.nosp@m.@che.nosp@m.z.com. More...


class  Infos
 The class to create object that could be use by cEngineLib.GetBestEngine() ie: local myobject = cEngineLib.Infos(); myobject.engine_id = 34; local result = cEngineLib.GetBestEngine(myobject);. More...

Public Member Functions

function GetAuthor ()
function GetName ()
function GetShortName ()
function GetDescription ()
function GetVersion ()
function GetAPIVersion ()
function GetDate ()
function CreateInstance ()
function GetURL ()
function GetCategory ()
function LearnEngineFromDepot (depotID, engineID)
That function will let the library learn engines by creating vehicles and testing them (and sell them), so this function use @VehicleWagonCompatibilityTest

Because this function use money , you may prefer handle the learning yourself using ...

function LearnEngineFromVehicle (vehicleID, all_type)
That function will let the library learn engines from existing vehicles

This function use an existing vehicle to discover properties of engines in it.

function VehicleUpdateEngineProperties (veh_id)
 That's the library key function, this update properties of engine by looking at the vehicle.
function GetBestEngine (object, filter)
 This function returns the best engine to use (or couple engine loco+wagon) using the filter you wish.
function EngineFilter (engine_list, cargo_id, road_type, engine_id, bypass)
Change an ailist to filter out engine (so watchout what ailist you gives, its content will be change)

Default filters are : remove blacklist engine, remove unbuildable, remove incompatible engine, other filters are optionals.

function VehicleCreate (depot, engine_id, cargo_id=-1)
 Create the vehicle at depot, upto you to add orders...
function GetLength (engine_id, cargo_id=-1)
 Get the length of an engine when refit to handle cargo_id type.
function GetCapacity (engine_id, cargo_id=-1)
 Get the capacity of an engine for that cargo type.
function VehicleGetWeight (vehicle_id, empty=true)
 Get the total weight of a vehicle : only for rail vehicle.
function VehicleGetMaxTractiveEffort (vehicle_id)
 Get the total max tractive effort a vehicle handle (summing all engines values), only for rail and road vehicle.
function VehicleGetMaxPower (vehicle_id, KW=false)
 Get the total power of a vehicle (summing all engines values), only for rail and road vehicle.
function VehicleGetRailTypeUse (vehicle_id)
 Get the railtype the vehicle is running on (if you run a vehicle on different railtype, the answer will depend on which ones it was running when checked)
function VehicleGetMaxSpeed (vehicle_id)
 Return the maximum speed the vehicle can do with its engine, railtype and wagons in use.
function IsLocomotive (engine_id)
 Check if an engine is a locomotive.
function VehicleIsMultiEngine (vehicle_id)
 Check if a train use multi locomotive or is multihead if the API support the function.
function VehicleGetNumberOfLocomotive (vehicle_id)
 Get the number of locomotive a vehicle have: note that two heads engine will be count as two locomotives!
function VehicleLackPower (vehicle_id, aim_speed=0)
 Look at the given vehicle, get its first loco engine and return true if you lack enough power (for original acceleration model) or tractive effort (for realistic model) to run that vehicle at low speed on hills (at ~15% of its maxspeed) It handle the game setting "train_slope_steepness" (http://wiki.openttd.org/Train_slope_steepness) It handle the "train_accelaration_model", increase x2 the aim speed when original model is use.
function VehicleGetNumberOfWagons (vehicle_id)
 Get the number of wagons a vehicle have (excluding loco engine)
function VehicleGetRandomWagon (vehicle_id)
 Get the position of a random wagon in the train.
function IncompatibleEngine (engine_one, engine_two)
 Mark engine_one and engine_two not compatible with each other This could only be use with trains.
function CompatibleEngine (engine_one, engine_two)
 Mark engine_one and engine_two compatible with each other This could only be use with trains.
function AreEngineCompatible (engine, compare_engine)
 Check if engine1 is usable with engine2.
function VehicleWagonCompatibilityTest (vehicleID, wagonID)
 Test compatibilty of a wagon engine with the vehicle.
function CanPullCargo (engine_id, cargo_id, bypass=false)
 Check if the engine can pull a wagon with the given cargo.
function IsEngineBlacklist (engine_id)
 Return if that engine is blacklist or not.
function BlacklistEngine (engine_id)
 Add an engine to the blacklist.
function IsDepotTile (tile)
 Check if the tile is a depot.
function GetDepotType (tile)
 Get the type of depot found at tile.
function VehicleIsGoingToStopInDepot (vehicle_id)
 Answer if the current order (even not in its list) is going to depot and if it will stop there.
function VehicleOrderSkipCurrent (vehicle_id)
 Skip the current order in vehicle, it doesn't check any conditionnal orders and just jump to next order in position.
function VehicleOrderClear (vehicle_id)
 Unshare and clear the order list of a vehicle.
function RailTypeGetFastestType (engineID=-1)
 This will browse railtype and return the railtype that can reach the fastest speed or the fastest railtype a given engine could use.
function RailTypeGetFastestTypeForCargo (cargoID, bypass=false)
 This will browse railtype and return the railtype that can reach the fastest speed to pull a cargo Even if you can easy get the fastest railtype, it is harder to actually find one that is usable with a cargo.
function RailTypeGetSpeed (RT=-1)
 Return the speed of the given railtype, so to get the speed of the current fastest railtype, cEngineLib.RailTypeGetSpeed(cEngineLib.RailTypeGetFastestType());.
function VehicleRestrictLength (vehicle_id, max_length)
 This restrict a train length to met max_length, selling wagons only to met it (so a train, stopped, in a depot), the vehicle size may still not met the length if it is bigger because of its loco(s) length in it.
function GetMaxWagons (engines, max_length, cargo_id=-1)
 Get the number of wagons we could add to stay below max_length.
function SetAPIErrorHandling (output)
 Enable or disable errors message.
function GetAPIError ()
 Get the last error string the API report.
function SetMoneyCallBack (money_func)
 Set the API to use your money callback function, a function run by the API when it need to get money The callback function will be called with "amount" as parameter, ie: cEngineLib.SetMoneyCallBack(myAI.MoneyGiver); with <function myAI::MoneyGiver(amount) { // grant the money }.
function EngineCacheInit ()
 This will browse engines so they are all added to the engine database, faster next access to any engine properties.
function DirtyEngineCache (eng_type)
 This will dirty the cache of eng_type, forcing next access to the cache to sent fresh infos.
function GetEngineList (eng_type)
 Return a cache AIList of engines of the type "eng_type".
function DumpLibStats ()
 The lib will output to the console some stats about itself, that's of course a debug feature, but it might help you.
function Engine_Stats (engine_id)
function ErrorReport (error)
function ErrorReport_NORAILTRACK ()
function ErrorReport_INVALIDVEHICLE (id)
function ErrorReport_INVALIDCARGO (id)
function SetUsuability (engine_one, engine_two, flags)
function IsCoupleTested (engine_one, engine_two)
function SetRailTypeSpeed (engineID)
function Load (e_id)
function Save ()
function EngineIsKnown (engine_id)
function GetKnownLevel (engine_id)
function Filter_EngineTrain (engine_list, object)
function Filter_EngineGeneric (engine_list, object)
function GetCallbackResult (callback, callback_param)
function EngineToName (engID)
function CheckEngineObject (eo)
function GetMoney (amount)

Public Attributes

 engine_id = null
 id of the engine
 cargo_capacity = null
 capacity per cargo item=cargoID, value=capacity when refit
 cargo_length = null
 that's the length of a vehicle depending on its current cargo setting
 cargo_pull = null
 only for locos, cargobits it is able to pull.
 is_known = null
 0: never seen that engine, 1: basic tests made 2: loco tests made
 usuability = null
 compatibility list of wagons & locos, item=the other engineID value=cargobits 1 compatible, 0 incompatible with that cargo

Static Public Attributes

static VT_RAIL = AIVehicle.VT_RAIL
static VT_ROAD = AIVehicle.VT_ROAD
static VT_WATER = AIVehicle.VT_WATER
static VT_AIR = AIVehicle.VT_AIR
static VT_RAIL_LOCO = AIVehicle.VT_AIR + 1
static VT_RAIL_WAGON = AIVehicle.VT_AIR + 2
static _cel_ebase = {}
static _cel_blacklist = AIList()
 our base where engines are store
static _cel_RT = AIList()
 the blacklist engine
static _cel_config = "", null]
 hold configuration options and error message, you have functions to alter that.
static _cel_cache = [null, null, null, null, null, null]
 we cache enginelist result here

Detailed Description

This file is part of the AI library cEngineLib Copyright (C) 2013 krinn.nosp@m.@che.nosp@m.z.com.

cEngineLib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version.

cEngineLib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this AI Library. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. A library with helpers for engine and vehicle handling.

Member Function Documentation

function cEngineLib::AreEngineCompatible ( engine  ,

Check if engine1 is usable with engine2.

For trains/wagons only. It is inside the default filter for trains, but your custom filter better use it too.

engineengine id of the first engine
compare_engineengine id of the second engine
true if you can use them, if we never check their compatibilities, it will return true
function cEngineLib::BlacklistEngine ( engine_id  )

Add an engine to the blacklist.

engine_idThe engine to get blacklist
function cEngineLib::CanPullCargo ( engine_id  ,
cargo_id  ,
bypass  = false 

Check if the engine can pull a wagon with the given cargo.

Exactly the same as AIEngine.CanPullCargo if the bypass is set to false The ai_special_flag (nfo property 08) for newGRF is set if an engine can pull a cargo or not. But the newGRF can also allow/disallow what couple cargo/engine you are allowed to use. So, if the newGRF didn't disallow cargo/engine couple, but have its ai_special_flag set to disallow that, we could ignore it and pull the cargo we wish (as long as some compatible wagons exist to carry it). That's what the bypass param is for. The trick to get the answer: if the loco can use wagonX and wagonX can be refit to potatoes, then loco is able to pull potatoes... In order to know if wagonX can be use with that loco you need to test that with So until the loco has been test, the result is the one from AIEngine.CanPullCargo.

engine_idThe engine to check
cargo_idThe cargo to check
bypassSet to false to respect newGRF author wishes, set it to true to allow bypassing the ai_special_flag
true if it can pull the cargo, false if it cannot.
function cEngineLib::CompatibleEngine ( engine_one  ,

Mark engine_one and engine_two compatible with each other This could only be use with trains.

Use in

engine_oneengine id of the first engine
engine_twoengine id of the second engine
function cEngineLib::DirtyEngineCache ( eng_type  )

This will dirty the cache of eng_type, forcing next access to the cache to sent fresh infos.

The cache itself has a 7 openttd days lifetime ; but in case you wish a fresh list. The lib dirty the cache also when a new engine is found in a vehicle (and not because of the event)

eng_typeThe engine type to dirty, it could be AIVehicle.VT_RAIL, AIVehicle.VT_ROAD, AIVehicle.VT_WATER or AIVehicle.VT_AIR
function cEngineLib::EngineCacheInit ( )

This will browse engines so they are all added to the engine database, faster next access to any engine properties.

If you want use this, it should be called early in your AI, else its usage will get poorer with time. It now also use

function cEngineLib::EngineFilter ( engine_list  ,
cargo_id  ,
road_type  ,
engine_id  ,

Change an ailist to filter out engine (so watchout what ailist you gives, its content will be change)

Default filters are : remove blacklist engine, remove unbuildable, remove incompatible engine, other filters are optionals.

engine_listan ailist of engine id
cargo_idif -1 don't filter, if set, filter engines that cannot be refit to use that cargo (or pull other engines using that cargo)
road_type: if -1 don't filter, if set, filter engines that are limit (by the roadtype, railtrack type or airport type), see object.engine_roadtype for posssible values.
engine_id: if -1 don't filter, if it's a wagon filter out locos that cannot pull it, if it's a loco filter out wagons that loco cannot pull
bypass: alter the cargo & train filter decision : see bypass value for more
function cEngineLib::GetAPIError ( )

Get the last error string the API report.

A string.
function cEngineLib::GetBestEngine ( object  ,

This function returns the best engine to use (or couple engine loco+wagon) using the filter you wish.

If you don't provide a filter it will use its own internal one, that is basic, but functional and should gives not bad result. The accuracy of the result depend on the limits you put yourself in the query, but also if the vehicle has been create and test by the lib. If you gives it a real depot, it will run (limit to the engine it think is the best) and loop to find if it's still the best one once it get test, so even it limit to one engine only, it can feed it one by one until it get a stable result. As this function may use your money, make sure the AI have enough money to buy stuff. See

objectHere's the different options :
  • object.depot : if valid, this put a restriction to rail/road type. It will test the result prior to returning it (and use your money so). If depot is invalid or -1 get theorical results only ; accuracy depend on what engines the lib has learned.
  • object.engine_id : Not use except for VT_RAIL query.
    • if it's a wagon engine: restrict to find a locomotive that can pull this wagon.
  • if it's a locomotive: restrict to find a wagon that could be use with that locomotive.
  • if set to -1: allow finding best locomotive & wagon couple.

object.engine_type : if depot == -1 this must be set as the AIVehicle.VehicleType of vehicle you want the query to be done.

  • object.bypass : only use with VT_RAIL. true or false. Set it true to bypass ai_special_flag (see ).
  • object.cargo_id : This could restrict the search for this cargo, -1 to not use cargo restriction
  • object.engine_roadtype : This add a special restriction to the search, -1 to add none
    • for VT_ROAD: it could of AIRoad.ROADTYPE_ROAD or AIRoad.ROADTYPE_TRAM
    • for VT_RAIL: it is a railtrack restriction. It is not use when object.depot is valid, as it will be the one of the depot use.
    • for VT_AIR: it could be AIAirport.PT_HELICOPTER, AIAirport.PT_BIG_PLANE or AIAirport.PT_SMALL_PLANE to restrict search on this kind of plane only.

for VT_WATER: it's not use.

filterA function that will be called to apply your own filter and heuristic on the engine list. If null a private function will be used. The function must be : function myfilter(AIList, object) For VT_RAIL the filter will be called with two different list, 1 for locomotive, and 2nd for the wagons. So be sure to check if AIEngine.IsWagon(object.engine_id) or any engine in the list you get, to see if your filter is working on a loco or a wagon.
An array with the best engines : [0]= -1 not found, [0]=engine_id water/air/road, rail : [0]=loco_id [1]=wagon_id [2] railtype
function cEngineLib::GetCapacity ( engine_id  ,
cargo_id  = -1 

Get the capacity of an engine for that cargo type.

Accuracy depend on

engine_idThe engine to get the capacity of
cargo_idIf -1, it's the current refit cargo, else the cargo id to get the capacity for.
the capacity, 0 if the cargo is not support or on error
function cEngineLib::GetDepotType ( tile  )

Get the type of depot found at tile.

tilea valid tile, should be a tile with a depot
the type of depot found at tile (AIVehicle.VT_RAIL...) or -1 on error
function cEngineLib::GetEngineList ( eng_type  )

Return a cache AIList of engines of the type "eng_type".

Faster access to the very same list and lesser this effect http://bugs.openttd.org/task/6213 as you will work on a shorter list. Note that the lists are stock lists of engines EXCEPT blacklist engines that are remove from it (but it still include non buildable engine).

eng_typeIt could of AIVehicle.VT_RAIL, AIVehicle.VT_ROAD, AIVehicle.VT_WATER or AIVehicle.VT_AIR. But you can also use the special cEngineLib.VT_RAIL_LOCO to get only loco engine, or cEngineLib.VT_RAIL_WAGON to get only wagon engine. This should replace occurances of AIEngineList() in your code. To ease handling AIVehicle.VT_ have their cEngineLib.VT_ equivalent.
an AIList of engines of the eng_type type, on error you will get an empty AIList.
function cEngineLib::GetLength ( engine_id  ,
cargo_id  = -1 

Get the length of an engine when refit to handle cargo_id type.

Accuracy depend on

engine_idthe engine id to query
cargo_idthe length of the engine when refit to that cargo, if -1 the length of the engine with its default cargo
length of engine or 0 on error (note that VT_AIR will always be 0 length)
function cEngineLib::GetMaxWagons ( engines  ,
max_length  ,
cargo_id  = -1 

Get the number of wagons we could add to stay below max_length.

This will return inacurate results or error if the wagon or loco was never built.

enginesan array with [0] the loco engine, and [1] the wagon engine. Accept also the array return by GetBestEngine function
max_lengthThe length to match : don't forget to x16 it if you aim a tile length: ie: limit to 3 tiles, max_length = 3*16
cargo_idthe cargo the wagon will use (-1 for default wagon size, because wagon size can change depending on the cargo use).
-1 on error, else return the maximum number of wagons usable within that length limit
function cEngineLib::IncompatibleEngine ( engine_one  ,

Mark engine_one and engine_two not compatible with each other This could only be use with trains.

Use in

engine_oneengine id of the first engine
engine_twoengine id of the second engine
function cEngineLib::IsDepotTile ( tile  )

Check if the tile is a depot.

tilea valid tile
true if tile is a valid depot of any type, false if not or on error.
function cEngineLib::IsEngineBlacklist ( engine_id  )

Return if that engine is blacklist or not.

The lib itself doesn't need to blacklist any engines (yet).

engine_idThe engine to get check
True if engine is blacklist, false if not
function cEngineLib::IsLocomotive ( engine_id  )

Check if an engine is a locomotive.

engine_idthe engine to check
True if it's a locomotive, false if not or invalid...
function cEngineLib::LearnEngineFromDepot ( depotID  ,

That function will let the library learn engines by creating vehicles and testing them (and sell them), so this function use @VehicleWagonCompatibilityTest

Because this function use money , you may prefer handle the learning yourself using ...

But this function really automates everything for you. The learning is done at the given depot and it will create all engines it could with the money you have (and sell them fast to get your money back), keep in mind, that a rail depot is limited by its railtype, so you can't build (and learn) a maglev engine in a non maglev depot (look at engine == -2 for that). Because this function do all the job, the accuracy of all other functions of the lib will goes upto 100% Unlike VehicleUpdateEngineProperties, this function also check compatibility of locos and wagons, making "bypass" usage 100% accurate.

depotIDa valid depot of any type (an airport is a depot)
engineIDif a valid engineID it will test that engine only (but also other known engines for new wagons), giving 100% accuracy result for this engine. if -1 it will test all engines from that depot. This increase accuracy to 100% on all engines of that depot type ; except VT_RAIL that need more.
function cEngineLib::LearnEngineFromVehicle ( vehicleID  ,

That function will let the library learn engines from existing vehicles

This function use an existing vehicle to discover properties of engines in it.

It is similar and actually do exactly the same as on all vehicles type except rails as this function will also fill the compatibility of engine while the other cannot. So it use what was previously create to learn from it. If it find a depot it will called with the engineID taken from that vehicle. Because it could be use with more than one vehicle, but also more than one vehicle type, it can learn from all vehicles in one go. Making it a good helper when your AI is loading a game and the lib can learn from what was create previously.

vehicleIDif it's a valid vehicleID it will learn only from that vehicle
all_typeif vehicleID is invalid only, all vehicles from the AIVehicle.VehicleType type will be check. With AIVehicle.VT_INVALID all vehicles of any type.
function cEngineLib::RailTypeGetFastestType ( engineID  = -1)

This will browse railtype and return the railtype that can reach the fastest speed or the fastest railtype a given engine could use.

engineIDthe engineID to get its best railtype to use with it, if -1 get the current fastest railtype
-1 if no railtype is found
function cEngineLib::RailTypeGetFastestTypeForCargo ( cargoID  ,
bypass  = false 

This will browse railtype and return the railtype that can reach the fastest speed to pull a cargo Even if you can easy get the fastest railtype, it is harder to actually find one that is usable with a cargo.

If you have no train able to pull it, or no wagon able to be refit to it with that railtype, the fastest railtype is finally not usable to handle this cargo. So the return answer from this function is really the fastest railtrack type with a loco and wagon that exists and that you could use with that cargo, and not simply the fastest railtrack type. It's accuracy depend on ; so range from 0% when bypass is enable and no loco has been test, to 100% if tests were made. And without enabling bypass, its accuracy depend on AIEngine.CanPullCargo that is 0% as it will never answer if the loco have a real wagon that could be refit to pull that cargo.

cargoIDthe cargoID to get the railtype with a train able to pull that cargo and a compatible wagon with that loco, refitable to handle that cargo.
bypassenable/disable it, see
-1 if no railtype is found (it mean no train can pull that cargo or no wagon can be refit for it, or just because no railtype are there)
function cEngineLib::RailTypeGetSpeed ( RT  = -1)

Return the speed of the given railtype, so to get the speed of the current fastest railtype, cEngineLib.RailTypeGetSpeed(cEngineLib.RailTypeGetFastestType());.

RTThe RailType to get the speed, if -1 we will return the fastest one.
-1 if no railtype is found
function cEngineLib::SetAPIErrorHandling ( output  )

Enable or disable errors message.

Those are only errors at using the API, not errors report by the NOAI API

outputTrue and the API will output its errors messages. False to disable this. You can still get the last error with GetAPIError
function cEngineLib::SetMoneyCallBack ( money_func  )

Set the API to use your money callback function, a function run by the API when it need to get money The callback function will be called with "amount" as parameter, ie: cEngineLib.SetMoneyCallBack(myAI.MoneyGiver); with <function myAI::MoneyGiver(amount) { // grant the money }.

money_funcA valid function from your AI that should raise your account to to the wanted "amount" of money
function cEngineLib::VehicleCreate ( depot  ,
engine_id  ,
cargo_id  = -1 

Create the vehicle at depot, upto you to add orders...

It will also refit the vehicle to the given cargo. As this function use your money, make sure the AI have enough money to buy stuff. See This function use limit to the vehicle you are creating, so it allow the lib to learn from each creation you do.

depota depot to use to create the vehicle
engine_idthe engine to create the vehicle
cargo_idif set to -1 you get just the vehicle, otherwise the engine will be refit to handle the cargo (if possible)
vehileID of the new vehicle or -1 on error. No error if you ask to refit a vehicle that cannot be refit to that cargo ; but if the vehicle could be refit and it cannot do it, it will return -1 and sell it.
function cEngineLib::VehicleGetMaxPower ( vehicle_id  ,
KW  = false 

Get the total power of a vehicle (summing all engines values), only for rail and road vehicle.

vehicle_idThe vehicle id
KWPer default the function return power in HP (like the AI API), if set to true, you will get the power in KW and the return value will be a float number.
the total power of the vehicle in HP or KW, -1 on error, 0 if not a road or rail vehicle
function cEngineLib::VehicleGetMaxSpeed ( vehicle_id  )

Return the maximum speed the vehicle can do with its engine, railtype and wagons in use.

However it doesn't check if the engine has enough power to actually reach that limit. It takes the setting "wagon_speed_limits" (see http://wiki.openttd.org/Wagon_speed_limits) and the railtype limit.

vehicle_idThe vehicle id to get its maximum speed. If the vehicle is not of AIVehicle.VT_RAIL it return the result of AIEngine.GetMaxSpeed
The maximum speed reachable by this vehicle. -1 on error.
function cEngineLib::VehicleGetMaxTractiveEffort ( vehicle_id  )

Get the total max tractive effort a vehicle handle (summing all engines values), only for rail and road vehicle.

vehicle_idThe vehicle id of a rail or road vehicle
the total tractive effort in KN, -1 on error, 0 if not a road or rail vehicle
function cEngineLib::VehicleGetNumberOfLocomotive ( vehicle_id  )

Get the number of locomotive a vehicle have: note that two heads engine will be count as two locomotives!

vehicle_idthe vehicle to check, must be a rail vehicle
0 if no locomotive/not a train, or the number of locomotive in the vehicle
function cEngineLib::VehicleGetNumberOfWagons ( vehicle_id  )

Get the number of wagons a vehicle have (excluding loco engine)

vehicle_idthe vehicle to check, must be a rail vehicle
0 if not a train or without wagon, or the number of wagons in the vehicle
function cEngineLib::VehicleGetRailTypeUse ( vehicle_id  )

Get the railtype the vehicle is running on (if you run a vehicle on different railtype, the answer will depend on which ones it was running when checked)

vehicle_idThe vehicle id to get the RailType in use
the RailType in use, AIRail.RAILTYPE_INVALID on error
function cEngineLib::VehicleGetRandomWagon ( vehicle_id  )

Get the position of a random wagon in the train.

vehicle_idthe vehicle to check, must be a rail vehicle
-1 if not a train or no wagon. A place (position) with a wagon in that train
function cEngineLib::VehicleGetWeight ( vehicle_id  ,
empty  = true 

Get the total weight of a vehicle : only for rail vehicle.

The function takes freight_trains setting and if the cargo is freight to calc the weight. See: http://wiki.openttd.org/Freight_trains

vehicle_idThe vehicle id of the vehicle to calc its total weight
vehicle_idAn array with [loco engine, number of locos, wagon engine, number of wagons], so you could get what a non existing vehicle weight will be after creation. Set "number" to 0 to not pass a loco or wagon engine but array must be of size 4.
emptytrue to get the total weight when empty, false to get the total weight when full (and this include filling loco with cargo if loco handle some)
the total of loco + all wagons weight of the vehicle, -1 on error
function cEngineLib::VehicleIsGoingToStopInDepot ( vehicle_id  )

Answer if the current order (even not in its list) is going to depot and if it will stop there.

Servicing at depot is not stopping at it.

vehicle_idthe vehicle to check
true only if the vehicle is going to stop at a depot, false if it does not or on error.
function cEngineLib::VehicleIsMultiEngine ( vehicle_id  )

Check if a train use multi locomotive or is multihead if the API support the function.

vehicle_idthe vehicle to check
True if it have more than 1 locomotive or 1 multihead, false for any others reason...
function cEngineLib::VehicleLackPower ( vehicle_id  ,
aim_speed  = 0 

Look at the given vehicle, get its first loco engine and return true if you lack enough power (for original acceleration model) or tractive effort (for realistic model) to run that vehicle at low speed on hills (at ~15% of its maxspeed) It handle the game setting "train_slope_steepness" (http://wiki.openttd.org/Train_slope_steepness) It handle the "train_accelaration_model", increase x2 the aim speed when original model is use.

(http://wiki.openttd.org/Realistic_acceleration) Even its accuracy isn't that bad, don't take its "true" answer as-is but keep some limit, To simplify the example, if you need 1000hp to pull 5 wagons and use a loco with 100hp, it would then return true until you use 10 locos, not really something usable.

vehicle_idThe vehicle id of a rail vehicle
aim_speedThe calc are base on a train ability to aim a certain mimimum speed when climbing with its load, per default (0) the aim_speed will be 15% of maximum speed of the train engine (and a non-alterable minimum of 15spd). You can pass your own custom aim_speed to use.
true if you should add more engine to that vehicle, -1 on error
function cEngineLib::VehicleOrderClear ( vehicle_id  )

Unshare and clear the order list of a vehicle.

vehicle_idthe vehicle to work on
true if order list is clear, false on error
function cEngineLib::VehicleOrderSkipCurrent ( vehicle_id  )

Skip the current order in vehicle, it doesn't check any conditionnal orders and just jump to next order in position.

If order was last, it jump to order 0

vehicle_idthe vehicle to skip current order
the new order position, -1 on error (mostly, a vehicle with empty order, but anything: destination too far...).
function cEngineLib::VehicleRestrictLength ( vehicle_id  ,

This restrict a train length to met max_length, selling wagons only to met it (so a train, stopped, in a depot), the vehicle size may still not met the length if it is bigger because of its loco(s) length in it.

vehicle_idA train with wagons you want to limit its length
max_lengthThe length to match : don't forget to x16 it if you aim a tile length: ie: limit to 3 tiles, max_length = 3*16
-1 on error, else return the number of wagons removed (that could be 0)
function cEngineLib::VehicleUpdateEngineProperties ( veh_id  )

That's the library key function, this update properties of engine by looking at the vehicle.

This get enough information to get 100% accuracy (but only for this engine) on any vehicle type except rail, that need another step see This function should be called after a vehicle creation, so the base is filled with its values,

veh_ida valid vehicle_id that we will inspect to get informations about its engine
function cEngineLib::VehicleWagonCompatibilityTest ( vehicleID  ,

Test compatibilty of a wagon engine with the vehicle.

For rails vehicle only. This autofill compatibilty state of both engines.

vehicleIDa valid vehicle, stopped in a depot, with a locomotive in it
wagonIDthe engine wagon type to test.
true if you can, but false doesn't mean you cannot! Use AreEngineCompatible to get the answer.

Member Data Documentation

cEngineLib::_cel_config = "", null]

hold configuration options and error message, you have functions to alter that.

cEngineLib::_cel_RT = AIList()

the blacklist engine

item = the railtype, value = maximum speed doable

cEngineLib::cargo_pull = null

only for locos, cargobits it is able to pull.

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