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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oCWormAirManagerDefine the WormAirManager class which handles airports and airplanes
oCWormMathDefine the WormMath class which holds the static math functions
oCWormMoneyDefine the WormMoney class containing money related functions
oCWormPlannerDefine the WormPlanner class which handles planning
oCWormRailBuilderDefine the WormRailBuilder class which handles trains
oCWormRailManagerDefine the WormRailManager class which handles trains
oCWormRouteDefine the WormRoute class which holds the details about a planned route
oCWormStationDefine WormStation class containing station building info
oCWormStringsDefine the WormStrings class containing string related functions
oCWormTilesDefine the WormTiles class containing tile related functions
oCWormUtilsDefine the WormUtils class which holds the utility functions
\CWormValuatorsDefine the WormValuators class which holds the static valuator functions