Static Public Member Functions |
static function | GetDirString (dir) |
static function | IsMainDir (dir) |
static function | IsDiagonalDir (dir) |
static function | GetAllDirsInRandomOrder () |
static function | GetMainDirsInRandomOrder () |
static function | GetDiagonalDirsInRandomOrder () |
static function | GetAdjacentTileInDirection (from_tile, in_direction) |
static function | GetTileInDirection (from_tile, in_direction, n) |
static function | GetDirectionToAdjacentTile (tile, adjacent_tile) |
static function | GetDirectionToTile (tile1, tile2) |
static function | GetDirectionToTileApprox (tile1, tile2) |
static function | TurnDirClockwise45Deg (dir, num_45_deg) |
static function | TurnDirAntiClockwise45Deg (dir, num_45_deg) |
static function | TurnDirClockwise90Deg (dir, num_90_deg) |
static function | TurnDirAntiClockwise90Deg (dir, num_90_deg) |
static function | OppositeDir (dir) |
Static Public Attributes |
static | DIR_N = 0 |
static | DIR_NE = 1 |
static | DIR_E = 2 |
static | DIR_SE = 3 |
static | DIR_S = 4 |
static | DIR_SW = 5 |
static | DIR_W = 6 |
static | DIR_NW = 7 |
static | DIR_FIRST = 0 |
static | DIR_LAST = 7 |
static | DIR_INVALID = 8 |
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