0.1.2 This release fixes issues found after play testing version 0.1.1. Main changes include - Adjusting and fixing text - Adjusting the game balance for passenger and mail based mode - Graphic updates - edges around each industries got some post-production enhancements 0.1.1 This is an alpha release. We have made many changes since 0.1.0. Four new game modes. 1. YETI Worker Yard requires tired YETIs (new cargo!) back from the primary industries 2. YETI Worker Yard requires passengers to produce YETI dudes 3. YETI Worker Yard requires mail to produce YETI dudes 4. The super simple mode, where there are only the YETI worker yards and food processing plants And there are other minor changes and bug fixes, including 5X Merchants now has built-in sea port and heli port Cargo class for refined products is changed so the correct graphic will be shown on NUTS trains Fixed some bugs with animations start/stop on primary industries Wrong extra text for 1X, 2X and 3X industries were showing - fixed Fixed the condition where no new industries could be funded near clay pit Many translations have been added or updated 0.1.0 5X Exchange Merchant added! A new way to trade your excess Building Materials for more food! New texts informing what industries need. Minor visual improvements here and there. Various smaller improvements. 0.0.9 Production mechanism majorly improved. More bonuses and furtherly interesting way how industries work. Come test! 0.0.8 YETI now supports 8bpp! In case you had a reason to switch to that, it works better now. 4X Worker Yard never closes now! You can be sure it will not die if you are connecting it. Cargoes have varying payment rates, with some slow decay so that slow trains are not hurt. Foundations should not show through industries when there are slopes around/under it. Added proper cargo icons for all cargoes. Nearby stations show correct signs now. 0.0.7 Many fixes: 3-AA accepts Iron ore as it should. Serviced industries never die. Animations are stopped when the industry is not serviced. 0.0.6 YETI LIVES AGAIN! After a long time, here is finally a working version! New animations: 1-X Construction Yard 3-B Oil Well 3-C Uranium Mine 3-AA Death Steel Mill All animations are done with a new method, so the resulting file size is only 150MB! This method was the whole reason why new release took so long. :) New industry: 2-C Plantation, producing Fruit & Vegetable, fitting into chain 2 going to 2-X Food Processing plant. More fixes and details like: - removing default cargoes properly - adding a lot more cargo classes to YETI cargoes so even the more stupid train sets work with YETI - fixed the glitches with trains appearing through industries and similar - added translations There are more things to come, now that the concept works! :) 0.0.5 Made Worker Yard produce 5 times less over time. Production bonus for food/building materials stays the same. NEW Animation for 3X Machinery Factory! [and the reason why the file has 180MB suddenly] Primaries now check if 4X Worker Yard - primaries cannot spawn too close to 4X Worker Yard. 0.0.4 Fixed Cargo IDs again, this time better. :) 0.0.3 Worker Yards are now built only near to towns. Worker Yards are now 2x2 tiles large. "Secondary" industries spawn twice more often. Related industries (Like Stone Quarry -> Construction Yard) should not spawn close to each other anymore. Fixed zextent which caused nearby objects to flicker. 0.0.2 Changed cargo IDs in order not to overwrite mail/goods. 0.0.1 YETI IS HERE! - Worker Yard produces based on year - food and building materials do the same - Other industries consume -> produce over time - 10% of waiting cargo per 256 ticks (8-9x per month) 15 industries so far (one to be added soon(tm)) I am not sure how do industries die/not die. Test! :) Recommended to use with NUTS Unrealistic Train Set 0.7.2