////////////////////////////// /// TRANSRAPID TRACK SET /// ////////////////////////////// Changelog ========= 1.0.0 - Feature: Action14 parameter descriptions. - Feature: snowy depot. - Feature: optionally disable level crossings. - Feature: custom tunnel, bridges and station with railtypes. - Feature: optionally disable custom tunnel, bridges and station. - Fix: curve speed advantage multiplier. - Fix: also have bridges and station with monorail replacement. - Fix: truss bridge graphics. 0.9.0-beta - Support for OpenTTD Railtypes. - Minor graphical improvements. - Added OpenGFX style GUI - Option to replace monorail tracks. - Reworked parameter settings. - License changed to GNU GPL v2.0. Beta 1.1 - Bugfix release. Beta1 - Initial release. TransRapid Track Set nightly-r29